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From The Beginning To The Latest

Readers asked for the fiction posts to be available in chronological order, so here they are.

  1. The Great Leap Backwards – Our protagonists return to Wellington after their OE.
  2. The Lay of the Land – Nerves and nostalgia.
  3. A Kelburn Matriarch – Wilhelmina Wellington at gale force.
  4. Meet Walter Wellington -  One of the city’s finest beta males.
  5. Who Is Will? – The mystery of a self-made man.
  6. Up The Coast – Karin Kapiti, annoyingly righteous and annoyingly right.
  7. Perfect Anywhere But Here – Having it all with Helena Hutt.
  8. Flat Hunting in Wellington – The sheer hell of it.
  9. Not An Interview – But just as nervewracking.
  10. Wellington Hair – Step away from the straightening iron.
  11. Moore Wilson’s – Shock, envy, and ambition among the arugula.
  12. Reunited – Meet Winona’s new best friend, Willow.
  13. The Good Day – The components of the ideal Wellington Good Day.
  14. But We Just Got Here – What do you mean, you’re moving to Australia?
  15. Fun After All – Saved by the bogan bartender.
  16. My Welly Valentine – Romance, Wellington style.
  17. Wellington Men I: The Best Mate – Sensible bogan guys improve with age.
  18. Wellington Men II: The Cad – How a man can get away with treating women so very badly in Wellington.
  19. Wellington Men III: The Export – A lanky Yankee software expert with the hottest job in town.
  20. The Waiting Space – One of those flats that you live in when you’re not planning to stay terribly long.
  21. Celebrity Sighting – Don’t make eye contact…don’t say anything…just act like a perfectly normal person and start texting…
  22. Unbrunched – Willow as a Sunday morning singleton.
  23. Landlord’s Perogative – What landlords get to do in Wellington, and who they do it to.
  24. The Guardian Sphinx – Riddle me one job interview, Wellington-style.
  25. Craft Fair Chaos – Are craft fairs still special when there’s one every weekend and every other woman is cranking out felt owls?
  26. Makes A House A Kiwi Home – What does? A lemon tree and a cat.
  27. The Department of Stodge – A government department that is kicking it old school interviews Winona.
  28. Rites of Passage – Winona finds out what she’s made of, and meets Wellington’s youngest cafe critic.
  29. The Starfish – Putting the psycho in psychogeography, and a connection between Willow and Wayland.
  30. My Squalor Was More Squalid – Winona meets the coolest of the cool, Ulrika.
  31. The Flat of Legend – Once upon a time, on a Te Aro Street, there was an enchanted flat.
  32. 1 BR Avail, Hataitai, Share W/Prof F – Willow’s flatmate-hunting travails.
  33. It’s About Time – Winona joins the staff of the Department of Stodge.
  34. Bogan 3.0: Our Bogans, Ourselves – Bogans and government go surprisingly well together.
  35. Mud and Petals – What it takes to stand out from a rainy mass of commuters.
  36. Any Way The Wind Blows – Will is subject to influences.
  37. Winona Woolgathers – When a Wellington party doesn’t gel.
  38. An Inevitable American – Meet Jennifer, Yankee expat, and learn more about her and her uterus.
  39. Frankie’s Friday – Queer life through the eyes of Winona’s co-worker, Frankie.
  40. Not A Jolly Holiday – A bartender’s Queen’s Birthday.
  41. Rug Up, Mate: Wellington Storm Wear Strategies – Meet Layer Lady, Parka Girl, The Bogan In Winter, and more.
  42. An Actual Conversation – It’s hard finding time to catch up with friends in Wellington.
  43. Hutt Chub – Wellingtonians tend to be thin. Other areas…
  44. It Only Happened The Once – “I make out with one girl at a party and the next thing I know I’m That Lesbian Bartender.”
  45. Happy…Midwinter…Thing: Matariki Madness – We’d like to celebrate midwinter, if only we knew how.
  46. Qui Audet Adipiscitur – Who watches the watchers when Winona starts thinking of vengeance?
  47. Our Scum – The problem when someone’s acting like scum in Wellington.
  48. If a budget falls in the forest and nobody spends it – The madness of end-of-year spending in government departments.
  49. Auckland Mysteries – Why is a Wellingtonian sexier in Auckland?
  50. Rusticated – Country guests come to Kelburn.
  51. Rusticated II, or, Bacon Futures – The next generation of country guests, complete with survivalist low-food-miles BLAT.
  52. Rusticated III: Seen at the Market – Rural traders prefer Wellington money, and survivalist meets dream girl.
  53. Leave Town During The Film Festival? Are You Mad? I mean, really!
  54. The Sighting – Heartstrings get pulled by Wellington poverty.
  55. A Flower for Vicky – Winona has a moment with the Queen Victoria statue.
  56. What Snow Is, and Will’s New Passion – Between two lovely women, a bloke falls passionately for…a car.
  57. Unrecognizable for a Night – Shimmer, glamour, nightlife – is it really Willow, is it really Wellington?
  58. The Escape Plan – Shut-ins plan how to get away from the cruel lashes of winter.
  59. How Do You Solve a Problem Like Ulrika? – Handling a rival in Wellington’s tiny social terrarium.
  60. The Wind Up – What is it that’s making Will act all blokey?
  61. Nerdxhaustion – Being a geek didn’t used to be this tiring.