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Entries Tagged as 'drama!'

Spring Forwards

November 21st, 2011 Comments Off on Spring Forwards

Wellington’s spring is having one of its inevitable wintry regressions. Winona, hustling to get ready for work on Monday morning, is diving into half-packed boxes and bags. Of course she needs to exhume a winter garment a week before she and Will move to Hataitai. Finally, she pulls it out, her beloved red trench coat. […]

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Less Drama?

September 21st, 2011 2 Comments

The retirement party for Walter Wellington is going okay, thinks Wazzer, taking a quick look in. Downstairs, it’s a pre-rugby zoo. Her friend Winona sneaks to her station. “Wazzer, darling! Have my bubbles? I’m not drinking right now!” Reluctantly, Wazzer takes the flute glass (she knows just how little those “bubbles” cost wholesale) and asks, […]

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Five Of Them

September 1st, 2011 Comments Off on Five Of Them

Part III by guest writer Rhiannon Davies. “WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE SEX IN TOILETS?!” Steve’s voice rang out over the empty bar. Steve was the newest of Perry’s Children, fresh of the boat from old Blighty, and an absolute God when it came to handling a bar. “I don’t know, why DO people have sex […]

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Earning A Cuppa

August 31st, 2011 Comments Off on Earning A Cuppa

Part II from our guest writer, Rhiannon Davies. Perry stands in the back corner of the bar, surveying her Kingdom. Her bar tenders are hard at work, slinging booze across the bar like Spiderman flicks his web between buildings. She calls them her Children, and much like a broody hen, she watches them unblinkingly and […]

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Queen of the Bar

August 30th, 2011 1 Comment

Part I from our guest writer, Rhiannon Davies. Her name is Jones. Persephone Jones. Perry to her mates. She’s the Queen of the Bar. It might be that a bar-is-a-bar-is-a-bar, and the building is just made of paint and wood and furniture. But it’s the PEOPLE that make the bar the place to be, and […]

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Their Home Away From Home

July 26th, 2011 1 Comment

At Wazzer’s pub on Cuba Street, Nigel, the owner/operator, is over the moon. Absolutely delirious. “We’re booked! One of the rugby teams booked for the Rugby World Cup! Yessss!” Cutlery clatters down, staff spill out of the kitchen. This is what every pub in New Zealand has hoped for – and it’s happening to them! […]

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Fancy Meeting You Here

July 6th, 2011 2 Comments

Wazzer is holding up the dark corner of a friend’s bar, sculling from a pint glass. Of water.  “I gotta drive tonight, and I wasn’t planning to,” she tells the friend, who is keeping the water coming. She’s going to be holding the bar up for another hour or so, at least, giving her plenty […]

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Rather Too Victorian

June 9th, 2011 1 Comment

Wazzer gets home from the women’s business meeting to find her flatmate-cum-landlady, Willow, perched in the breakfast nook. “Hey, mate, how’s it going? Want to order pizza? “I – yes, that would be lovely. Here’s your corset back. Thank you so much!” “So, how’d the long weekend go?  Hot guy? Steampunk Ball? Hey? Hey?” Willow […]

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