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Entries Tagged as 'Wellington'

Meeting The Wellingtons

December 28th, 2011 1 Comment

The newest addition to Wilhelmina Wellington’s family-only Boxing Day lunch is sitting there, stunned. For Chelsea, yesterday, the mum who raised her teased her for wearing shoes at the Christmas barbecue. Today, the  woman who gave birth to her, Karin Kapiti, is sitting beside her at an Edwardian rimu dining table, saying, “The entire arts […]

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A Legend, Mate

November 12th, 2010 1 Comment

Winona trips lightly into Wazzer’s bar on Friday night. Her best friend and her partner are there, looking subdued. “Hi angels, what’s up?” “Did you know –” Her friend Willow mentions a name. When Winona shakes her head, Willow adds, “You said you liked her hair, she had her hair like this,” throwing in a […]


No False Modesty Here

November 3rd, 2010 Comments Off on No False Modesty Here

At Winona’s office, smugness is the order of the day. Lonely Planet, our tourism overlords, declared Wellington the coolest little capital city in the world and the fourth best place to visit. All the staff at the Department of Stodge are forgetting their mission statement “to represent all of New Zealand for our industry without […]

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The People’s Choice

September 27th, 2010 Comments Off on The People’s Choice

Winona and Will went to City Market this morning and have just enjoyed the illusion of cooking. After unwrapping and plating their dinner, they are having a glass of wine, some cheese, and a discussion about the local body elections. Their election paperwork is spread out on their retro coffee table. Who to vote for? […]

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Happy Midwinter…Thing…Can We Make It Matariki Now?

June 21st, 2010 1 Comment

You can tell there’s something up. All the shops are having sales. There’s increased social buzz around town. Museums and bars are having special events. There are even holiday decorations. Something is giving the soggy winter air of Wellington a bit of sparkle. Isn’t it a pity that nobody can agree exactly what it is? […]

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The Great Leap Backwards

March 1st, 2010 Comments Off on The Great Leap Backwards

They’re at the end of a 24-hour plane flight, at the stage where to have to stay seated five minutes longer in their economy seats is to explode. They are experienced travelers by now – that’s what a three-year OE is supposed to be for. They know their shared travel time is best spent in […]

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