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Entries Tagged as 'beer'

A Recession Courtship

December 21st, 2011 2 Comments

Wazzer’s unexpected date takes place at the most cutting-edge beer house in town. The middle-aged hipster, Ram, buys her a handle of stout. Not the most lavish date, but by choosing this beer house, he shows that he’s rich in social currency. Wazzer gets introduced to some of his friends who “just happen” to be […]

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Our Scum

June 28th, 2010 1 Comment

Will has spent the rainy Saturday at his best mate Wayne’s place. They only left the  garage for bathroom breaks. Between replacing the engine of a secondhand 4 x 4 (Will spotted and handed over tools) and dissecting the All Whites’ football performance, time has flown. The 4 x 4, with the key in the […]

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Winona Woolgathers

May 31st, 2010 1 Comment

Winona’s first day at work is full of lacunas. Meetings are delayed. Her laptop isn’t ready. So she has plenty of time to think about how the impromptu party went on Saturday night. Now that everyone is older, last-minute parties don’t work so well. Wayne and Henny couldn’t get a sitter. Neither could Helena and […]

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My Squalor Was More Squalid

May 12th, 2010 1 Comment

Winona has joined Will and his co-workers for after work drinks. One of them has asked where Winona is working, and gotten more than he bargained for as she describes her ongoing interviewing experiences with the Department of Stodge. “…so then I spent all afternoon taking those bizarre employment-fitness psychological tests. The ones where they […]

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Fun After All

April 5th, 2010 Comments Off on Fun After All

Getting the second round of drinks, Will mentioned to the bartender that he and Winona were freshly returned from London. “London! Choice! I wanna go there just to see. The early closing for the bars sounds mad, eh? I wouldn’t go to work, I hear work’s shot there with the recession – izzat true? I’m […]

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Meet Walter Wellington

March 8th, 2010 1 Comment

Winona’s father, Walter, blocks Will when he tries to go into the kitchen to help with dinner. “Come and have a drink, you look bloody exhausted!” Walter is shorter, rounder, younger, and jollier than his wife Wilhelmina, and still working for his own government department. Less outdoorsy than most New Zealand men, he’s a Corgi […]

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