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Entries Tagged as 'bogans'

She Knew Him When

October 29th, 2010 2 Comments

While Willow scours the streets, looking helplessly for her escaped cat, someone knocks on the door of her little townhouse. Her flatmate, Wazzer, still in a terry bathrobe, opens it. “Yeah?” It’s hard to say who’s more surprised, Wazzer or Wayland. Wazzer leans against the doorframe, tattoos peeping out, multiple ear piercings glistening. She lives […]

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Bogan 3.0: Our Bogans, Our Selves

May 24th, 2010 4 Comments

Wazzer has been asked to model in an avant-garde fashion show. Wayne, having received an okay-for-the-recession bonus for managing his software development team, is listening to AC/DC on his upgraded iPhone. Wayland runs a hand through his hair and says, “I’m rough as guts, under the suit,” and everyone swoons. Welcome to the triumph of […]

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Wellington Men I: The Best Mate

April 12th, 2010 Comments Off on Wellington Men I: The Best Mate

Will is deeply relieved that Wayne is still his best mate. The big O.E. has broken up mateships of longer duration than theirs, hatched at university. But Wayne is as reliable as ever. On moving day, he’s the one helping haul a king-sized bed out of a TradeMe seller’s home (“Must Pick Up”) into Will’s […]

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Fun After All

April 5th, 2010 Comments Off on Fun After All

Getting the second round of drinks, Will mentioned to the bartender that he and Winona were freshly returned from London. “London! Choice! I wanna go there just to see. The early closing for the bars sounds mad, eh? I wouldn’t go to work, I hear work’s shot there with the recession – izzat true? I’m […]

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