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Entries Tagged as 'other cities'

Willow’s Hypothesis

October 3rd, 2011 1 Comment

On a rainy Sunday morning, Willow has begun to pack for her move to Oamaru. Winona is keeping her company and helping her decide which clothes to keep or discard. “I love my little house, but if you’ll be renting it I can stand to leave it. And really, I don’t  mind moving, because Wellington […]

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More Eurodrama

April 27th, 2011 Comments Off on More Eurodrama

Six hours later, Wazzer is lying in bed, listening to the rain. Tomorrow, her last lover from the summer, Otto, is getting on the plane back to Amsterdam. But she’s cheerful nonetheless. It’s still a day off. And Otto is beside her in the bed. Otto is gazing at the ceiling, compulsively crumpling one of […]

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Engagement Party Chemistry

March 13th, 2011 1 Comment

Winona and Will haven’t gone to much fuss for their engagement party. The back room of  Wazzer’s bar has been adorned with white fairy lights. A long table is jumbled with wine bottles, bowls of chips, and irregular engagement presents that arrived with guests. When Ulrika attempts a dramatic entrance, no-one pays much attention, they […]

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IAWL Doesn’t Like….Housing Anxiety All Around

March 7th, 2011 Comments Off on IAWL Doesn’t Like….Housing Anxiety All Around

Usually we keep it positive in editorial entries here (empanadas at the City Market this weekend!) but we are all worked up about housing this week. A piece in the NZ Herald talks about flat hunting in Auckland but this tale of woe – the 5-month search, the desperate grooming to look like a presentable […]

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Rouge et Noir

March 4th, 2011 Comments Off on Rouge et Noir

Wazzer’s bar is packed tonight, a sea of red and black clothing. Everyone has turned out for a stellar live gig that is benefiting the Christchurch earthquake fund, sipping Christchurch benefit beers. Winona has a smart new jersey, bought at a Christchurch benefit sale. Despite a week spent seeking to benefit Christchurch in every possible […]

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A Country Mile

December 22nd, 2010 Comments Off on A Country Mile

After last Friday, a crabby, errand-packed weekend, and three hectic days at work, Will and Winona landed at his parent’s house for Christmas. In Eketahuna. They still live in the same shabby small farmhouse Will grew up in. They never did get around to repainting its neglected weatherboards, but they’ve put up a big new […]

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Defending The Pa

November 17th, 2010 3 Comments

Spring has reached the irritating point in Wellington.  Everyone is trying to cram in social engagements and important work tasks before the start of the “silly season” . Willow is about to have words with her flatmate, Wazzer, who has started to bring home the pick of this year’s handsome drunk backpackers at 2 AM. […]

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Melbourne Questions

September 10th, 2010 1 Comment

Winona is back at work, smiling at everyone who asked her, Did You Have A Good Time in Melbourne?  In reply, she murmurs “Yes, no…” Something was a little off, in Melbourne. The spring clothes in Melbourne were just as hideous as the ones in Wellington.  Perhaps that was why the hordes of commuters were […]

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September 9th, 2010 2 Comments

Wellington has a soft spot for the Cantabrians who leave Christchurch for Wellington’s windy hills. Not given to flashy plumage themselves, Wellingtonians appreciate the low-key Cantabrian style, and have even adopted their genteel, crooning “Hello! Hellooooooo!” They fit seamlessly into government and private work alike, put down roots, and lived happily. Until last Sunday’s earthquake. […]

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Wellington vs. Melbourne: The Case

August 11th, 2010 Comments Off on Wellington vs. Melbourne: The Case

Winona wondered who would actually call her, instead of sending a text. It’s her sister, Helena. To her delighted shock, Helena is inviting her on a long weekend to Melbourne, air fare and hotel paid, “…if you’d look after the boys a bit? Henry and I could have a little time together, it would be […]

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