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Entries Tagged as 'unreal estate'

The Beating Heart

December 1st, 2010 1 Comment

All around Wellington for the past few days, our cast of thousands got up, looked out the window, and smiled. There it was! One of the Good Days! It could all end tomorrow, time to get out and enjoy the sunshine. No need to pick up the phone and see where their friends were going, […]

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The Favourite

August 21st, 2010 Comments Off on The Favourite

Everyone has one: the Wellington restaurant they adore. Winona had become attached to a quirky brunch place near their flat. Instead of trying to cook in the galley kitchen on a chilly Sunday at 11 AM, it  was more pleasant to escape there. The place served dinner, too, and decent drinks. It was vegetarian-friendly and […]

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Valley of the Bachelors

August 13th, 2010 Comments Off on Valley of the Bachelors

There are only three escapes from the Flat of Legend. Moving in with a very serious partner – going overseas – or, for males, taking up their post in The Valley of the Bachelors. In Wellington, three features mark the abodes of men who choose to live alone after they turn thirty-five. Be they blokes […]

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1 BR Avail., Hataitai, Share W/Prof F

May 17th, 2010 Comments Off on 1 BR Avail., Hataitai, Share W/Prof F

Meanwhile, far from the Flat of Legend, Willow’s been finding the mortgage a bit tight. Sitting down to balance her budget, she grits her teeth. She knew home owning would change her spending, but there were things she hadn’t anticipated. She shouldn’t have paid so much for that kitten. Or to have the peach-coloured tub […]

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The Flat of Legend

May 14th, 2010 2 Comments

Flatting isn’t always bad. When flat veterans are in a more mellow mood, they will talk to each other, in hushed and reverent tones, about the Flat of Legend. Somewhere in the mists of Aro Valley, up a leafy side street, there is the Flat of Legend. On winter nights when the Pleiades shine unimpaired, […]

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Flat Hunting In Wellington

March 17th, 2010 Comments Off on Flat Hunting In Wellington

Flat hunting in Wellington. The sheer hell of it. Several days after their arrival, Will cases the To Rent ads on TradeMe while Winona rustles the paper (thrust upon her by her mother.) Pretty soon Will’s cellphone rings. It is a former colleague of his. What’s he been up to? Has he got a CV? […]

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