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Entries Tagged as 'social mores'

Failure to Launch

November 23rd, 2011 2 Comments

Willow is dashing to catch her bus. Last-day-of-work drinks took forever. In her mind, she is ticking over the list of things to do before she moves out of Wellington next weekend. She needs to wheedle boxes out of the liquor store, confirm her ferry ticket, acquire an even more luxurious carry case for her […]

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Self-Made Beauties

August 26th, 2011 2 Comments

Ulrika is quivering with excitement as she waits to go on stage. It’s such a cliche that a dance class changes a single woman’s life, but it happened to her. Her great and good friend Angela from Auckland suggested over Skype that she take a burlesque class, to shake her out of moping over the […]

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Bohemian As

June 16th, 2011 1 Comment

For every twenty normal couples in the Wellington area, there’s a duo that are like peacocks amongst the pukeko: the Bohemian Couple.  Will and Winona have been “collected” by one of these couples,  due to Will’s software expertise and Winona’s vivaciousness. The Bohemian Couple may be into the arts, or science, or run a specialty […]


Nappy Valley

June 14th, 2011 Comments Off on Nappy Valley

It just seemed to happen, sooner than anyone expected: the nice couple who bought that house in Karori, or Island Bay, or Petone, had a baby. They’ve named the infant Ada, or Austen, or after grandmum or grandpop – those 30s and 40s names are fashionable again now. Callers were welcome to meet the newborn […]


Special For Matariki

June 7th, 2011 1 Comment

Winona wraps up her talk for the women’s business group by trying to undo the misunderstanding about Wazzer.  “Just a little note – there was a mix up with some business cards – please note that Waz – I mean, Wha – um – Wai – ah – Miss Thompson is the Business Manager, not […]

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It’s Business Time

June 2nd, 2011 1 Comment

“So this is a women’s business group,” Wazzer murmurs, glancing around a repurposed conference room on The Terrace. “They do themselves well, don’t they?” She smooths down her skirt. Her platform boots don’t look too out of place. “Movers and shakers. Mummy pulled a few strings so that I can talk to them about the […]

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Dining Out On It

May 12th, 2011 Comments Off on Dining Out On It

Meanwhile, another mother and daughter scene is taking place, across the two gulfs of Wellington harbor and Wellington’s social strata. Wilhelmina Wellington glances around the witty, luxurious restaurant approvingly. “Such a clever idea, bringing back high tea.” “Happy Mother’s Day, Mummy,” says her daughter, Winona. Delicately, they click their champagne flutes. Wilhelmina surveys the towering […]

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A Flat Holiday

April 26th, 2011 Comments Off on A Flat Holiday

Wazzer had spent her newly free Saturday night out partying with some of her old flatmates. Their past quarrel was washed away on a tide of pinot gris. Sunday morning found her somewhat bleary on the couch of their new abode, a slightly shabby villa on an Island Bay side street, while the household bustled […]

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The Other Big “0”

January 31st, 2011 Comments Off on The Other Big “0”

On Wellington Anniversary Day, Willow is relaxing in her breakfast nook, enjoying the unique sensation of reading the Dominion Post on her netbook, instead of at her desk at work. A small glass pot of flower jasmine tea is unfurling/brewing on the table, and a happy cat is nestled up beside her.  The serenity doesn’t […]

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Get Outta Town

December 20th, 2010 Comments Off on Get Outta Town

For fifty weeks of the year, you can scarcely tear a Wellingtonian away from the steep bosom of their beloved city.  Then there’s the last two weeks of the year. In a curious inversion, Wellingtonians are united by the holiday wish to spend Christmas and New Year’s anywhere that isn’t Wellington. If they can’t escape […]

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