Part III by guest writer Rhiannon Davies. “WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE SEX IN TOILETS?!” Steve’s voice rang out over the empty bar. Steve was the newest of Perry’s Children, fresh of the boat from old Blighty, and an absolute God when it came to handling a bar. “I don’t know, why DO people have sex […]
Entries Tagged as 'nightlife'
How’s Rosie? Ask Our Guest Writer This Week!
August 29th, 2011 1 Comment
Wazzer’s leaving work in the evening when a familiar Justin Bieber haircut goes by. “Rosie! Hey, Rosie!” Rosie jumps as Wazzer runs out into Cuba Street and grabs her arm. “Hey, how’s it going? Did they take you on over there at Perry’s? They called us…” “Oh! They did, yes! Perry’s just amazing. Thank you […]
Tags: guest writer · jobs · nightlife · wazzer
Fancy Meeting You Here
July 6th, 2011 2 Comments
Wazzer is holding up the dark corner of a friend’s bar, sculling from a pint glass. Of water. “I gotta drive tonight, and I wasn’t planning to,” she tells the friend, who is keeping the water coming. She’s going to be holding the bar up for another hour or so, at least, giving her plenty […]
Fancy Meeting You Here
April 18th, 2011 2 Comments
“Hello! Hello! I haven’t seen either of you in ages!” “Oh, hey, mate, how’s it going?” “I say, this is nice, how are you?” The three women cluster on the rain-slicked corner of Grey and Featherston street. It’s an odd place to collect on a Saturday night – usually this part of town is between […]
Rouge et Noir
March 4th, 2011 Comments Off on Rouge et Noir
Wazzer’s bar is packed tonight, a sea of red and black clothing. Everyone has turned out for a stellar live gig that is benefiting the Christchurch earthquake fund, sipping Christchurch benefit beers. Winona has a smart new jersey, bought at a Christchurch benefit sale. Despite a week spent seeking to benefit Christchurch in every possible […]
Tags: nightlife · other cities · willow · winona
If You Had Just Five Minutes, What Would You Say?
February 11th, 2011 1 Comment
That’s the motto of the Ignite event. Wazzer, intrigued by the “evening of speakers” trend that kept taking Willow out in the evening, asked to be brought along one night. Willow put some thought into which one would suit her happy headbanger flatmate best. Pecha Kucha‘s flickering images gave Willow motion sickness, and while Wazzer […]
The Do
December 6th, 2010 Comments Off on The Do
This week and next, spare a thought for all the service staff and restaurants hosting Wellington’s annual “dos”. They’re playing to a tough crowd. As budget belts stay tightened around town, staff have often contributed out of their own pockets to these events. Wellington is the wrong size for falsehoods, and it’s too easy to […]
O Hypno Tree
December 3rd, 2010 Comments Off on O Hypno Tree
Winona has had an excellent day. For once, she managed to get a Jewish holiday right, winning a real smile from a dry manager and a squealing hug from a labile American co-worker. It’s a dazzling evening, and her friends are all around her. Her partner Will, sweet geeky Willow, Will’s best mate Wayne and […]