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Entries Tagged as 'ulrika'

Don’t Call Them Boy Toys

October 13th, 2011 1 Comment

Ulrika has a new boyfriend, and the word on the street is that this one is a keeper. Max is tall, lean-jawed, has a tendency to wear snappy hats, and works as a sound editor in Miramar. A quiet Kiwi bloke, he’s happy to let Ulrika chatter. You can see the future Bohemian Couple starting to […]

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Self-Made Beauties

August 26th, 2011 2 Comments

Ulrika is quivering with excitement as she waits to go on stage. It’s such a cliche that a dance class changes a single woman’s life, but it happened to her. Her great and good friend Angela from Auckland suggested over Skype that she take a burlesque class, to shake her out of moping over the […]

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Engagement Party Chemistry

March 13th, 2011 1 Comment

Winona and Will haven’t gone to much fuss for their engagement party. The back room of  Wazzer’s bar has been adorned with white fairy lights. A long table is jumbled with wine bottles, bowls of chips, and irregular engagement presents that arrived with guests. When Ulrika attempts a dramatic entrance, no-one pays much attention, they […]

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1 Event Invitation

March 9th, 2011 1 Comment

Ulrika is gazing at her Facebook profile in disbelief. Surely Winona had not meant to send her an invitation to the engagement party for her and Will? Professionally, a detente is in place. Will has been pleasant, but opaque. Personally, despite avoiding places like “their” cafe and the bar-where-everyone-goes, Ulrika is up against Wellington being […]

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If You Had Just Five Minutes, What Would You Say?

February 11th, 2011 1 Comment

That’s the motto of the Ignite event. Wazzer, intrigued by the “evening of speakers” trend that kept taking Willow out in the evening, asked to be brought along one night. Willow put some thought into which one would suit her happy headbanger flatmate best. Pecha Kucha‘s flickering images gave Willow motion sickness, and while Wazzer […]

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Good Riddance

January 28th, 2011 Comments Off on Good Riddance

“Mate. Mate! Mate! Calm down!” Will isn’t sure who he’s addressing. Six hours ago, as Ulrika wept, he felt like a hero for saying that he’d help Ulrika tell her now-ex-lover, Wayland, to move out of Ulrika’s flat. He’s in the middle of the hundred-decibel negotiations now, thinking that maybe he got asked along to […]

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The Nice Thing About Living Downtown Is You Can Go Home At Lunch

January 17th, 2011 2 Comments

Will failed to mop up Ulrika’s tears in the cafe. She had a long, tangled story about going to Kaitaia with her boyfriend Wayland, getting shouted at when no-one was around to admire how smooth Wayland was, the Christmas awkwardness,  overhearing Wayland telling a cousin about hoping to move to Europe on Ulrika’s passport. Their […]

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The Salt Mines

January 12th, 2011 1 Comment

Around town, from register to register, cubicle to cubicle, the workers are back and the moan goes up. “Too good to last…back to the salt mines…did you have a nice Christmas?” The last question has derailed quite a few conversations around town, as Will has just learned. Back at the office, he has, all innocence […]

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Winona’s Weekend 2: Brunch And A Young Man’s Fancy

November 23rd, 2010 Comments Off on Winona’s Weekend 2: Brunch And A Young Man’s Fancy

Winona’s Saturday had all the components. A morning snuggle, a late start, peeping out at the weather, brunch. Brunch was the Ulrika-and-Wayland show. They were an appealing couple to look at, Ulrika’s pale and dark beauty lit up with love, Wayland all cheeky grin, crinkled eyes, and floppy hair. Everyone in the cafe was smiling […]

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Game On

October 18th, 2010 Comments Off on Game On

After enthused reports, Will and Winona have ventured to the roller derby. Alas, this end of season game is tepid. Fan favorites are out with injuries, or working behind the scenes to give fresh skates a chance. One team has won two previous bouts, so this third one isn’t changing anything. Like many in the […]

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