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Entries Tagged as 'old city'

Largeman’s Run

August 9th, 2011 2 Comments

If a broken-in cricket glove could speak, it would sound like Largeman, Winona’s old-school-Kiwi uber-boss at the Department of Stodge. He has a baritone that evokes the plummy newsreel voiceovers of yore, slightly muffled, rumbling with deep, slightly indistinct amusement. He understands why she’s moving on. She’ll do grandly in Marianne Swatch’s department. You go […]

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Aren’t We All Crazy Once Winter Starts

May 26th, 2011 4 Comments

Right before the lunch rush begins, Rosie edges into the office. “Wazzer? There’s a…a crazy lady who wants to talk to you?” “Cool!” says Wazzer, springing up from the desk. When she sees who’s waiting, she makes a note to herself to have a word with Rosie about moneyed Wellington. Though she has to admit, […]

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The People’s Choice

September 27th, 2010 Comments Off on The People’s Choice

Winona and Will went to City Market this morning and have just enjoyed the illusion of cooking. After unwrapping and plating their dinner, they are having a glass of wine, some cheese, and a discussion about the local body elections. Their election paperwork is spread out on their retro coffee table. Who to vote for? […]

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July 5th, 2010 Comments Off on Rusticated

Having a large house near downtown Wellington, silver-haired Wilhelmina and Wilson, in their golden years, are eager hosts.  Unfortunately, their current guests are testing their hospitable good nature. Once upon a time, when they lived in the same city, they had been close friends with these guests. Eventually, the friends said adieu to their kids, […]

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The Flat of Legend

May 14th, 2010 2 Comments

Flatting isn’t always bad. When flat veterans are in a more mellow mood, they will talk to each other, in hushed and reverent tones, about the Flat of Legend. Somewhere in the mists of Aro Valley, up a leafy side street, there is the Flat of Legend. On winter nights when the Pleiades shine unimpaired, […]

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The Department of Stodge

May 5th, 2010 1 Comment

Sit bolt upright on the edge of your seat, rigid as a post, and you’ll have the same posture as Winona, who is in the middle of her job interview. On her way in, she surveyed the Department’s location with interest. They are tucked into the bad side of an office tower in the middle […]

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A Kelburn Matriarch

March 5th, 2010 Comments Off on A Kelburn Matriarch

Winona’s mother, Wilhelmina Wellington, is one of the Junoesque figures that make Wellington tick. She doesn’t know everyone, but it can seem like she does. Her puissant confidence usually browbeats anyone into awed compliance. Retired two years ago from the Ministry of Justice, she now volunteers at City Gallery, fundraises for Women’s Refuge, and focuses […]

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