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Entries Tagged as 'hutt valley'

As Hutt As It Gets

November 25th, 2011 1 Comment

Helena Hutt’s family grumped their way through dinner. Helena has joined the home-grown artisanal wagon, and her two sons balked at silverbeet yet again. Matters were not helped by her husband Henry saying, “If you don’t eat your dinner, we’ll sell you to Aunt Karin as indentured laborers.” Everybody went to bed in a huff. […]

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Return To Wainui

May 10th, 2011 Comments Off on Return To Wainui

Heading up the Wainuiomata hill, Wazzer grits her teeth and listens, keenly, to her ’92 Nissan’s engine. The car is dragging a bit, but it manages the great ascent all right, even weighted down with Wazzer, Wazzer’s mother, and Wazzer’s mother’s weighty presents for her grandchildren. “It’s Mum’s Day, Mum, we’re supposed to give you […]

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Ready to Rumble?

December 13th, 2010 1 Comment

Sometimes, when you live in the Hutt, you have to be hard as. No nonsense. Rough as guts. This is one of those times. The black SUV circles the parking lot, then circles again, the driver spewing profanities. Finally, it wedges into a space and disgorges its passengers.  One, two, three tough-looking blokes, in stubbies […]

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She Knew Him When

October 29th, 2010 2 Comments

While Willow scours the streets, looking helplessly for her escaped cat, someone knocks on the door of her little townhouse. Her flatmate, Wazzer, still in a terry bathrobe, opens it. “Yeah?” It’s hard to say who’s more surprised, Wazzer or Wayland. Wazzer leans against the doorframe, tattoos peeping out, multiple ear piercings glistening. She lives […]

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God’s Less Posh Waiting Room

October 11th, 2010 2 Comments

Most days, Will chooses to disremember his Etekahuna boyhood. Still, every good bloke calls home on his Mum’s birthday, even if a tongue lashing awaits. Will got off fairly lightly, with “we’ll see you at Christmas, won’t we?” and “if you’ve got a car, go visit your Nan, she’s in a home in the Hutt […]

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Hutt Chub

June 14th, 2010 Comments Off on Hutt Chub

It’s harder to stay skinny in the Hutt. As in all suburbs everywhere, this is due to driving replacing walking. Kapiti Coast denizens are not so deeply afflicted because they are always going for long beach walks. Now that her sister Winona is back, staying slim as she gets around Wellington on foot, Helena Hutt […]

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Perfect Anywhere But Here

March 15th, 2010 Comments Off on Perfect Anywhere But Here

“Well, tell Win and Will they must come around sometime soon. We’ll get the spa pool going and have a barbecue, if this gorgeous weather holds. Ronan! Ronan, down! Can’t you hear him barking? I must go take care of this beast of ours.” Helena is the middle Wellington sister. She takes after their fair, […]

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