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Entries Tagged as 'will'

Announcing: Max Aidan Miro Wellington-Zealand

February 14th, 2012 Comments Off on Announcing: Max Aidan Miro Wellington-Zealand

The following email just got sent out to Will and Winona’s extensive Contacts lists: Will and Win are now the proud parents of their new son, Max Aidan Miro Wellington-Zealand. Max was born at 20:47 last night, at Wellington Hospital, weighing in at 3.1 kg.  Win is staying at Wellington Hospital for a few days […]

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Meeting The Wellingtons

December 28th, 2011 1 Comment

The newest addition to Wilhelmina Wellington’s family-only Boxing Day lunch is sitting there, stunned. For Chelsea, yesterday, the mum who raised her teased her for wearing shoes at the Christmas barbecue. Today, the  woman who gave birth to her, Karin Kapiti, is sitting beside her at an Edwardian rimu dining table, saying, “The entire arts […]

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A Ten-Year Plan

September 6th, 2011 Comments Off on A Ten-Year Plan

Will and Winona find themselves in a renter’s catch-22. Their landlord is hemming and hawing and dragging feet about fixing a problem. Inadvertently, he let drop that he was planning on renovating the flat, and maybe selling it – when they moved out. Will has been in a fever ever since. “So we could, maybe, […]

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May 31st, 2011 1 Comment

Will and Winona have been a little preoccupied lately. After their engagement, Will escorted Winona to a GP consultation about fertility. The GP took one look at Will, hollow-eyed, weedy yet pudgy after too many late nights software programming, and lined him up for some tests. The results – well, Will’s not talking about them […]

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Engagement Party History

March 16th, 2011 Comments Off on Engagement Party History

At Winona and Will’s engagement party, the previous generation is holding up the bar. “I don’t know about his having a party in a bar. Not the same as when I had mine at the Pines – that was a ballroom, then. Win could have had it at our house, like Helena did,” her stately […]

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Engagement Party Chemistry

March 13th, 2011 1 Comment

Winona and Will haven’t gone to much fuss for their engagement party. The back room of  Wazzer’s bar has been adorned with white fairy lights. A long table is jumbled with wine bottles, bowls of chips, and irregular engagement presents that arrived with guests. When Ulrika attempts a dramatic entrance, no-one pays much attention, they […]

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My Welly Valentine, II

February 14th, 2011 Comments Off on My Welly Valentine, II

Will and Winona have settled in for a romantic Valentine’s evening. A bottle of good red wine; a thin, crisp pizza; a small box of chocolates; and Will’s iPad, scrolling real estate ads. Together, they are planning their future. “I’d like…a place with some character. Except warm, and insulated, and with heating.” “Walking distance from […]

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A Night of Win

February 7th, 2011 2 Comments

Courtenay Place, the night of the Sevens rugby final, is a scene of post-apocalyptic debauchery. Hooting groups of drunkards fumble out of taxis and stagger around, their group costumes the worse for wear after three days.  Unwilling to sacrifice a parking place in Mount Victoria, Winona and Will have watched the madness through the safety […]

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Smells Right

February 2nd, 2011 Comments Off on Smells Right

By the time Winona returns to Wellington, a certain detente has been achieved. She had to quit ignoring her smart phone sometime. Karin sent her home soon after, saying, “If all you’re going to do is poke at the bloody phone…” Three hours of post-holiday traffic and a stop for fish and chips at Paraparaumu […]

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Good Riddance

January 28th, 2011 Comments Off on Good Riddance

“Mate. Mate! Mate! Calm down!” Will isn’t sure who he’s addressing. Six hours ago, as Ulrika wept, he felt like a hero for saying that he’d help Ulrika tell her now-ex-lover, Wayland, to move out of Ulrika’s flat. He’s in the middle of the hundred-decibel negotiations now, thinking that maybe he got asked along to […]

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