And that concludes this storyline – you’ve had a year of fictionalized Wellington in this blog. So…what should happen next? Take the poll or leave comments and let me know what you think. I’m on the road for another week and a half, so the poll closes on midnight of March 31st.
What should happen next with this blog?
- A new fiction storyline (54%, 15 Votes)
- Nonfiction Wellington observations and reviews (21%, 6 Votes)
- Wellington advice, this is a tough town (14%, 4 Votes)
- Take the best entries, illustrate with cartoons, publish as chapbook (11%, 3 Votes)
- Pack it in, this isn't the best use of web pixels ever (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 16

Tags: 1 Comment
How about a story line more around Wazzer, she seems quite a character.